Young Lola Is It Too Late To Litter Train My Rat?

Is it too late to litter train my rat? - young lola

I know it is possible to form a litter of rats. You need to do when young. My rat Lola and Roxy are 1 years. You think it's too late to learn? Do you think I spoil her cage placed around the waste in a small bowl in the corner, that bothers you? Pol I have to replace their beds.


Animal Lover For Life! said...

Hello! It's never too late to toilet train a pet! I not be angry if you do, there will be easier for you to pick up their shit.

Here is a useful website: ...

I hope that helped!

Emmyjak1... said...

Go ahead and try. Age does not matter how individual rat. Some rats with the litter box without you and some rats do not serve, no matter what you try. Good luck, hope it will be easier for you.

NicolllE... said...

In fact, in my experience, old rats still contained therein. The youngest I did not care.
Train, like you, it's not too late, very clever (for her:

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