Homemade Christmas Crackers Starting New Job Christmas Eve, Should I Bring Snacks?

Starting new job Christmas eve, should I bring snacks? - homemade christmas crackers

Recently, I received a call to return to work for a company where he worked for two months. (I quit smoking and he called me cuz are now desperate, and it was) a great worker. The only thing that I Christmas Eve and 5-3 hours, and as he walked, I wondered if it correct label, which in some cases for the whole world today then. I have all day to cook so I have enough food for everyone, but it is strange to bring snacks to shares with employees and customers, as it was my 1st Day back after 2 months? Should I do my job and go home or my Christmas spirit?
If you must bring snacks, homemade fudge do u think a ball of cheese, crackers and snacks are good?
Thank you and Merry Christmas !!!!!


Goddess said...

Yes, the work of his Christmas. It's very nice of you to return to work on Christmas Eve and after quitting. You must make your change can be much better if you bring snacks and thumb, who cares if poeple think it's weird. I know I would be very grateful. I wish that worked with me!

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