Mortorcycles Does Anybody On Here Race Mortorcycles? Im Thinking About Getting A Racing Licsense. It Looks Fun To Race!?

Does anybody on here race mortorcycles? Im thinking about getting a racing licsense. It looks fun to race!? - mortorcycles

In just a beginner, but I run!


NinjaRac... said...

Look at the CCS and WERA for more information on riding lessons and on the track. Road racing is the case, you can use a bicycle that does not break the bank and breeds in the vicinity can be found to reduce the transport costs. Find a good group of people to help, the race weekend, you should not alone!

bill j said...

Practice, practice, practice and money LOTof, but it's fun

woodsrid... said...

I race off-road. Amateur enduro class, turned around and has some racing on ice. Every motocross rookie class and the topic of homes a year.

JetDoc said...

Racing is an absolute blast! until they crash, then it is not fun. When mounting on the edge, it is easy to fall. Be prepared and well equipped!

fuzzy said...

I'm racing machines for a long time .... You're right, it's fun. But do not give enough information .... What flavor of motorcycle racing, are you interested in?

Ride on said...

I raced motocross (CR 125) and production of street bikes (Yamaha RD 350) in the 70s. It was a blast, no sponsors, expensive, can take the feeling of a job. However, I have to change anything. Some of the best years of my life, really, really learned to drive.

Joanne J said...

Try not to stress, talk to your doctor if you have questions or a second opinion from another doctor. I imagine also reduce natural remedies for ovarian cysts, I have seen no doctor to confirm what I have, but I'm sure he is.

Here is an article that is that I found ...

Pepper Shaker said...

I doubt it from cancer. Cancerous cysts are very rare, and when cancer, the cyst in the tumor itself

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