Discount Hunting What If Your State Government Called For "penalizing The Uninsured"?

What if your state government called for "penalizing the uninsured"? - discount hunting

Relying on a telephone survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was published by the Authority, Oklahoma Health, the State Insurance Commissioner Kim Holland, Oklahoma, announced this week that the state has undertaken drastic measures to improve its ranking in to improve the sad number of residents without health insurance.

Without proposing to the legislature a bill that the citizens of Oklahoma to develop uncompensated hospital would need to answer to Holland at the request of almost $ 1 billion in coverage of health care purchase, it is for policy makers in Oklahoma relying on implement what he calls "incentives" to "encourage" people to buy health insurance calls.

These "incentives" in the form of what Holland calls the "consequences" to come, while the government refuses to someone without health insurance from a long list of "privileges", including, but not s' is not limited to:

• No disc, the OSU football season tickets.
• Loss to win the lottery or
• No hunting or fishing license.
• Npersonal or tax exemption for income from the state.
• There is no homestead exemption.
• No state tuition discounts.
• driver's license.

One can only assume that the Netherlands is not the possibility that one of the reasons why there are nearly 1 billion U.S. dollars in coverage of health care has not been compensated for the medical billing d "Today has been to foreign companies that are not better mathematics are outsourced than in his office, which found that 579,036 (16.7%) uninsured Oklahoma, a total population of 3600, 000 is roughly 1 / 3 of the state. article: "The criminalization of the uninsured in Oklahoma" ...


One Big Awfull Mistake America said...

Massachusetts already has such a scheme. not as extreme, but when taxes filed to prove that he is insured, and have for the previous year. Each time, be assured without fines totaling between $ 700 - $ 2,000 fine result.
I imagine, as they usually states that are paying for the waste of health care that is created by illegal aliens.

wiemerca... said...

I pay insurance and other luxury goods curtain or missed in my household to do so. If the health care system is in the collapse of uninsured patients, which appears just got some responsibility for the health care costs are increasing. If you do not buy $ 100 tickets per week, so be it.

wiemerca... said...

I pay insurance and other luxury goods curtain or missed in my household to do so. If the health care system is in the collapse of uninsured patients, which appears just got some responsibility for the health care costs are increasing. If you do not buy $ 100 tickets per week, so be it.

Bub said...

Forcing people to buy insurance will not work. You can add the overcrowding already packaged, but if you have no work, or buy enough money for food, electricity, energy, etc., will not have enough money to pay for family health insurance. Universal health care is the only sensible option. All other countries have and are very good. Peace.

krolloha... said...

Too late. Something similar happened in Massachusetts, Mitt Romney. I think if you have enough money to feed his family and pay the rent and to pay for the insurance, then the disposable income, then its ok. But most people barely hanging so that it stupid and dangerous idea. It punishes people for being poor. And it's a fucking American.

mommanuk... said...

Dallas has a regulation to impose fines of $ 500 made homeless. It does not end homelessness?

People who do not buy their own insurance often do so because they simply do not want. The Commissioner has obviously never tried to buy insurance for a single person or family in private. If they would they would realize that someone in the minimum wage to be paid not in a position, for all that, let alone enough money to live. And then he wants to make things even more complicated, denying them the right to drive to work? "

I think it certainly is a good idea to people who do not have health insurance more money to buy it free of charge!

kerry k said...

I have serious doubts that people have a foreign account as stupid as you think they are. Based in the world of competitions in school performance, the United States is not more in the top 10. The incentive to go, why not? In my opinion, these things should, with the exception of the driver's license, encourage people to make at least better for themselves. Knowing that only effects on the body and causes disease is not a bad thing, or understand about the capacity of most people. We can do better for themselves, but have fallen into a rut, "to rely on other sources of information, they can not have your best interests in mind. The cost of health care must come from somewhere. If people do not take care of them, the abuse their own body and wait for someone to fix it, if your body is "broken" and will do nothing to help themselves, there should be penalties, and these people are paying the price. I live, even without health insurance, and have done very well without it. I have little sympathy for the WHo suffer from avoidable problems that have no health insurance. Take care of yourself, and many of these problems disappear. It is medically proven. How a person thinks is important. Studies show that people can believe in themselves and / or prevention of disease only on what they believe and think is based. Many Americans are lazy and want to live as they want, and wait until someone fix it if something goes wrong. I quote Poor Richard, "Prevention is better than cure." The world is generally not necessary and would be happy if you were not there, because the resources are better spent to consume to earn the most. As long as it lasts, it's true. If you do not want to be careful not expect that others pay on your account. If you lose a part of the good life has no health insurance will pay just to talk, if that is what the government decides. Personally, should not the government as instructed. But if you can not pay, then refuse service.

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