Environmental Boot Camp Environmental Science Degree To Navy Or Air Force?

Environmental Science Degree to Navy or Air Force? - environmental boot camp

So she finished my degree in Environmental Science in May next year (09) with a minor in mathematics. I am 25 years old, married and have two cats. I want a child in the next 2-3 years. I thought of the Graduate School of Atmospheric Science, or Hydrology) (materials for environmental applications, but I saw that the Navy graduate programs for such things, and did I want a little more financial security. I retired after 20, so I know I will have safe and good money to help my family

I have a 3.7 GPA, and have worked in research before

I will be around 30,000 U.S. dollars in loans if I have my career, I would have these advantages.

Since I'm married and I wanted a girl, a lifestyle, where I and my family to be, the better.

I also take this decision because I've always wanted to go to training camp to prove to myself that I could do. I like living in a highly regulated and organized, so I think it was no problem to meet theHas anything like that.

Live outside the United States on the basis of clearly liked it.

So I am, an officer interested in and go right to the SCO? If the Navy or the Air Force to become a better option for me?


Grublet said...

I do not know how your question, that the army would be a good deal for you. Never once mentioned the desire to serve his country or service in front of him. You really want a job that must pay your student loan, you pay for your bachelor's degree, he stayed with his family and financial security and control over retirement after only 20 years. I see people every day in the army who are unhappy, and who came for the same reasons, and simply try to wait. Please enter the army, noting that often the needs of the mission, its unity, its industry and the nation of its own subject, it will be a rude awakening. However, if you wish, of patriotism and the reasons stated above and not only that, I apologize to serve listed.
As to your question: The Navy has programs more environmental positions and opportunities for graduate degrees in active service. The Air Force has few chances, but the environmentEven science is limited. The Air Force already knows and accepts the great majority of the impact of their flights on the environment. The Navy is constantly hampered by environmental groups with claims on the effects of a wide range of military systems in ocean animals. They always try to find and keep a step ahead of the demands halt to their new toys.
Family life is totally dependent on jobs, what you get. The AF has a bit of research and development jobs are never an indicator because of the sensitive nature of their investigation and the limited scope of their training. I am an AF Nav and have been in OEF and OIF twice. The Navy is probably the same. Some jobs will be posted (perhaps not). Just know that the work that you have found.
It should now be accepted at the OTS AF or Navy OCS. Is not easy. The FA has reduced over the past two years the class size to the OTS than 60 percent. 40,000 members in active duty AF power has emerged in the last two years. As ACCepted of OTS is not easy, even if you have a high quality and tested from the charts. Can not simply be wished a slot for the AFSC. The Navy is probably easier, but I have no firsthand experience.
Make sure that you at least a patriotic desire to serve, or what is a slow and painful slide in 20 years.

Laura in North Carolina said...

Are you a man or a woman? I'm curious, because if we do not recommend a woman with children, taking into account within 2 to 3 years to join the Army. Just my personal opinion.

Both branches have their advantages and disadvantages. I think the Navy gives you more opportunities, but. Also, remember that the Air Force to more people rejecting the Navy.

Mr Puma said...

Benefit from his subject as sounds or services might. It may not be on the Law of Marine Research (of course, now based, that I said that ...). If an ROTC program at your school, check it out. You can speed up to a pair of gold bars. It can also be a signing bonus somewhere.

Matthew M said...

I would say, AF, WOT stationed on the lake and take care of his family have gone, and the Air Force in general is better in general engineering in the U.S. Army.

Matthew M said...

I would say, AF, WOT stationed on the lake and take care of his family have gone, and the Air Force in general is better in general engineering in the U.S. Army.

USA! said...

Months at sea, does not sound like a way to start a family for me.
AF Go .... Stateside for a few years to get turned off ... then consider their options.
Good luck, sure!

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