Colon Resection Recovery Colon Resection Surgery - Any Recovery Tips?

Colon resection surgery - Any recovery tips? - colon resection recovery

My stepfather (85) just a bowel resection 12 days ago.
(Settler was perforated during a colonoscopy, colon, and has the full right to fix it.)

It is now home depressed and lethargic.
I understand that it takes about 6 weeks to return to "normal."

Someone had added a new section and have some advice that would be useful?
IE: the toughest recovery?
Foods that are working or not?
If your appetite back?
or anything else, know how?

Please, I can not Google or Wiki --
was that from the moment that the knife fell and are in close contact with her doctor was that it could not, these sources would be great.


mimi o said...


I had a colon resection, 3 October this year and still recovering. I went) through the Depression (last week. He had been crying, now mentally I think he is good ... .. but it is a moment by moment thing, but not one days If you know what I mean. I woke up feeling good, but an hour later, they're shit. But I must say that the good times are more important than the disease.

The hardest part of recovery is the person that you said some faces ... and now I have time with my stool (sorry, graphic!). My doctor told me I must go to the toilet (because they can handle what I had before the surgery), but I had no problems with the BM is regular. I will see my doctor on Tuesday so I will think about a kind of small "recycling talk."

The share of food is a little difficult. End, I do not have much appetite and so it was no problem. But if I have not yet started a little something to eat morE, I stayed) away from vegetables (vegetables = = bloating, and food with fiber. And above all, to try to acclimate a little time to get to your instincts and how to eat. For now my appetite is better, but I'm always careful what you eat.

Hope this helps a little .... Let him know that it takes some time, in small steps.

(There is another area Send this ... there are a lot of people are not very useful).

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