Sick Pay In Ontario Can Ontario Employer Terminate Benefits While Employee Is On Medical Leave?

Can Ontario employer terminate benefits while employee is on medical leave? - sick pay in ontario

We live in Ontario. One of my friends is very sick (cancer), was a farewell to his work, a model, say, the very low (less than 5 employees). Luckily, I had advantages, such as the payment in case of a long-term disability, prescription and reimbursement of life insurance or similar business MANULIFE. He got sick pay for about 2 years and the needs of the distributed profits to their bills. He received a letter from a few weeks, say from your employer that they no longer pay premiums for their services MANULIFE 1st January / 09 In other words, they end their benefits, while on medical leave. Can they? Does not seem fair. Do you know of a study or documents that could be the small business owner? We prefer to avoid the lawyers, let tor convince them they are obliged to keep their profits. Thank you!


Ed Atun said...

Is it legal to terminate service if there is a provision in the contract that forbids it ..

judirose... said...

What is the company policy? What is the contract? If states that the company pay benefits up to a year, then that is their right to termination. You can not expect that the employer will continue paying benefits to persons who are for them, right?
The company has anything illegal here. Find out where does the benefit payment period. I really do not think I have a case.

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