Police Spanking Vedio I Saw Someone Get A Public Spanking Yesterday! Should I Have Called The Police?

I saw someone get a public spanking yesterday! Should i have called the police? - police spanking vedio

Yesterday I was at the mall and I saw a boy who looked about 6 or 7 of the public is a good spanking! I saw what he and his mother was sitting on a bench, took him on his knees, spanking ass about 10 times! I had no idea that someone else beat their children, such as at the present time, I think that our society is beyond the resolution of problems in the game against the children in an area of your body is sexual. Should I as the CPS, or maybe the police?


nappyhdf... said...

I asked a journalist to abuse by the State of Illinois charged. And my job is to report everything related Lae DEAM against children.

It is interesting that I believe in spanking, but I'm AGAINT abuse and neglect. My reasoning is as follows ... There is a difference between abuse and beatings. I wouldnt bruise or a child seriously hurt, but I was hit in the back or hand to show that there are consequences for their actions. Time for me is stupid and is sometimes not easy. Not all children react. Like all children respond to spanking. You need to decide what the child within the discipline.

Growing up, when I thought I would be a beating for something that they do not get. So, in myCase has been effective. The children of today are totally out of control. And they have strict discipline.

I do not see the bottom as the sexual area, and not all things to the body are related to sex, but could be easily a. Give a child in any sexual partner ... The anus is the release of waste from the study. It is linked to sex of people prefernces past. As an earlobe or a sensitive area in the neck.

I do not think that anyone is able to appropriately a child because of control problems to be punished. Some people do about it. But when all is said and done ... I do not want anyone telling me to discipline my son when I do something to them seriously injured. Spanking Discipline true love has never diedanyone.

d j said...

Moron, you liberal dumb @ ss. Need a good @ ss even whooping cough. The children of people like you, the tyrant's easy to pass. If this is not the students her children, makes no sense to have them. Someone really needs a kick in the @ SS!

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